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Connecting a Network to the Internet

Once you have created a Network the next step is usually to connect it to the internet. This tends to be for one of the following reasons:

  • Outgoing internet - access for instances on the network (Source NAT - SNAT)
  • Incoming internet - via attached Floating IPs (Destination NAT- DNAT)

Attaching the network to the internet is simply a matter of connecting your virtual router to Memsets 'ext-net'. This network represents the internet to OpenStack projects.


Firstly, navigate to the Routers section.

Project > Network > Routers

Once you have found this page, click 'Create Router'.

You will be prompted with a 'create router' dialogue which involves two options:

  • Chose a Name (anything you wish)
  • Chose an External Network (There should only be one - EXT-NET)

Once you have created your router, select it in the Routers section of the web interface. Then navigate to the 'interfaces' tab on the 'router details' page. This will show you the interfaces connected to your router, which should be empty at this stage.

Click 'Add interface'.

Once the router has been attached to the external (ext-net) network the router will receive a public IP address and will be able to route data out of the virtual OpenStack network to the internet.


If any server requires a public IP address, please see the section on associating public IP's.

Last updated 13 June 2016, 10:17 GMT