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The Storage Browser

The Memstore™ Storage Browser provides a convenient web interface to manage containers, ACLs and even upload/download content within containers.

Creating Containers

To create a new container, simply type the name of the container you want to create into the text box and click Create.

You can also create a new container within your FTP, SFTP or OpenStack (Swift) client by creating a new "directory" from the top level directory of the account. This operation requires the administrator user.

Please note that container names must be DNS compatible, i.e. all lowercase and alphanumeric - hyphens are allowed - first and last character must be a letter or number.

Renaming Containers

To rename a container, you'll need to do this through an FTP, SFTP or OpenStack (Swift) client. Containers must be empty prior to renaming them.

Deleting Containers

In order to delete a container, it must be empty first. However, we recommend that you use an FTP, SFTP or OpenStack (Swift) client to access the top view of all containers (i.e. you'll need to log in as the admin user) and then delete the container(s) through the client (most FTP/SFTP and OpenStack clients will also delete the entire contents of the container first - something that cannot be done through the web Storage Browser).

To delete the container, click on the container name within the Storage Browser. Click the Recycle Bin icon to delete.

Uploading Files

You can upload small files through the web storage browser (the size limit per file is 25Mb), for anything larger (or to group upload files) we suggest that use your FTP, SFTP or OpenStack (Swift) client to do this.

Note; There is 5Gb limit for any single object - this will only really apply to files uploaded through a FTP/SFTP or OpenStack client due to the 25Mb upload limit of the Storage Browser.

Viewing File Properties & Downloading Files

Click on individual files within a container to bring up a window showing the file's properties. The icons below the MD5 sum are:

  1. Rename file (Notepad & Pen)
  2. Download file (Arrow pointing downwards)
  3. Delete file (Rubbish bin)

As well as downloading through the file property box, you may use the FTP link (the third icon that sits on the row of icons within the Storage Browser) to connect to the FTP service through your browser (download only). Your OS or browser may be configured to use an external FTP client rather than your web browser's built-in FTP facility.

Assigning users to containers and setting permissions

This covered in Container Access Control List page.

Limitations of the Storage Browser

  1. A maximum of 256 files per directory will be displayed in the storage browser.
  2. There is a maximum filesize of 25MB for uploading files

To view directories containing more than 256 files, or to upload large files, we recommend that you use your FTP, SFTP/SCP or OpenStack (Swift) client.

Last updated 11 June 2015, 10:20 GMT